What is Zellaan?
Zellaan is a harmless and odourless acrylic-based casting material produced by V-Sure. This casting resin is used to cast porcelain-like figures or objects. These plaster figures can be poured into silicone moulds or alginate, and others. Zellaan is easy to use and can be processed like a classic plaster. By adding water in the right mixing ratio to the powder, Zellaan hardens into a porcelain-hard material. Take 1 part water and add 3.3 parts of Zellaan to it, while stirring the mixture continuously.
Zellaan is white in colour and can be pigmented with water-based dyes or by adding acrylic paint. When adding a black colour, be careful. The white base colour of Zellaan will create a grey end result. Of course, you can also color Zellaan with almost any type of paint. If you wish to place your sculpture in the garden, it is recommended to apply a water-resistant coating or varnish to Zellaan. Zellaan is frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures well above 600°C. After curing, you can still sand, drill and polish the Zellaan.

The advantages of Zellaan are its porcelain plaster-like appearance, easy processing, fast curing and the possibility of post-processing ( for instance repainting).
Zellaan is extremely user-friendly due to its harmless nature. It contains no hazardous components, so it can also be worked on safely by children. Ideal for teachers to cast and paint fun figures with toddlers.
Professionals also use Zellaan in all kinds of applications. For instance, Zellaan is used for casting Christmas or Mary statues. Zellaan is also used in the reproduction of cornices and ceiling elements.
How temperature-resistant is porcelain?
Real porcelain is heat-resistant and does not conduct electricity, Zellaan can withstand more than 600°C and also has an insulating property.
What is porcelain plaster?
This is usually an improved quality of the classic construction plaster. Here, higher qualities of fillers are used, giving you a stronger plaster. Ideal when using it in casting moulds for ornaments, reliefs and reproductions of highly detailed objects.