Polishing paste for extra shine - Plastic polishing compound

Polish S2 extra shine hologram remover 500 G


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Is a liquid polishing emulsion for shining and glossing a surface consisting of polyester, epoxy, polyurethane and other surfaces. Very suitable as final treatment after using the SL Premium one step, cut & high gloss. Available in 500 gr packing.

€26.25 / st


As a deep cleaner for polyester, epoxy and polyurethane. Can also be used on plexiglas and PE-plastics. Gives extra high gloss and removes polishing effects.


Always ensure a dry and grease-free surface. Can be applied with a microfibre cloth. Thoroughly polish with rotating movements and light pressure. Repeat this process if necessary.Can best be processed mechanically, but be careful not to use too high a speed (max. 2000 TPM with a polishing fleece).Change the position of the coat constantly so that the surface does not become too hot.After treatment, you can treat the surface with the SL S4 Protect wax or the SL S5 Quick wax for long-term protection.
Always wear suitable gloves and protective clothing.Keep out of reach of children.Cleaning agent for tools: water and soap.

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