High gloss varnish - Transparent lacquer 250 ml
G8 super 250 ML
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Is a 1 component solvent-containing PU resin that reacts to air humidity. G8 is a high-gloss, scratch-resistant, UV-resistant protective coating that adheres to most porous substrates and has various application possibilities. Excellent resistance to solvents and chemicals, diluted acids and alkalis.
Available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1lt, 5 lt and 10 lt containers.
Available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1lt, 5 lt and 10 lt containers.
€16.46 / st
For waterproofing porous substrates or as a high-gloss varnish for woodwork, both indoors and outdoors. Can possibly be coloured (transparent = no opaque colour!) with 1-3% PU pigment or bronze powder. Adheres to wood, copper, epoxy and polyester laminate.