Floor coating - Waterproof protection and sealing 10 l

G4 sealing coat 10 L


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1 component solvent-based PU resin that reacts to air humidity. G4 Varnish is a limited UV-resistant (yellowing with time), but extremely scratch-resistant, high-gloss varnish that is resistant to solvents and chemicals. Can also be used as a protective layer.

Available in 250 ml, 0.5 lt, 1 lt, 5 lt, 10 lt and 200 lt containers.

€333.33 / st



1/ As a sealing layer on wood to keep moisture out. Can also be used as a soot isolator on a broken chimney.

2/ As a high-gloss varnish for wood and stone. Cures without sticking and strengthens dusty concrete floors or decayed wood.

3/ As protection/sealant for metal against oxidation and rust (e.g. petrol tank)


Always ensure that the surface is as dry and grease-free as possible and apply the G4 sealer with a brush or roller. When applied in a petrol tank, pour and drum (best in 2 -3 layers).

Dust-free after 1 hour.
Overpaintable as soon as surface is tack free. (2-4 hours)
Max. waiting time for overcoating is 48 hours.
 Waiting time between layers 2-4 hours.

Once packages have been opened, they must always be closed airtight to prevent further hardening in the tin. Pour any surplus into a small container to prevent air from getting in.

Do not pour used product back into the packaging.

Always provide appropriate protective clothing and gloves. Avoid prolonged skin contact. The use of a carbon filter mask type A2 is recommended.
Cleaning agent for tools: cleaner M (environmentally friendly substitute for acetone)

Always ensure adequate ventilation.

Technical specifications

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